Make Checks Payable to St. Joseph School Endowment.
Tax ID# 71-6138483. Mail to PO Box 72, Conway, AR 72033.
No amount of donation is too small or too large. They all make a difference in the lives of students, today and tomorrow at St. Joseph School. Charitable giving is such a powerful expression of caring.
May God bless you for your support of Catholic education.
St. Joseph School Endowment
Our Mission
“Dedicated to the support of St. Joseph School”
A private, secular, nonprofit fund established to provide financial aid and support to the St. Joseph School in Conway, Arkansas. All contributions to the Endowment are placed to work in a variety of investments where the principal remains intact and only the investment income is utilized thus resulting in a permanent, reliable source of funding for the school.
There are many ways in which to contribute to the Endowment: cash, check, credit card, monthly drafts, stocks, property, estate planning, etc. Begin a family legacy by establishing a designated fund. Our Designated Funds program allows you to name a fund and designate its purpose.
Directors Letter
Thank you for visiting us today through our website. We hope you find it informative and helpful for you to become acquainted with the St. Joseph School Endowment. The Endowment continues to grow thanks to the contributions and hard work of many.