There are many ways in which to contribute to the Endowment: cash, check, credit card (VI, MC, AX, etc.), monthly drafts, stocks, property, estate planning, etc. Begin a family legacy by establishing a designated fund. Our Designated Funds program allows you to name a fund and designate its purpose.
Consider a monthly draft donation today and never have to think about it again. You can do this either through your bank account or credit card, forms can be found on this website.
Gifts to the Endowment can be made in honor, in memory, or in celebration of anyone, yourself, family or a friend. You may also choose how you wish for your contribution to be used to benefit the school by selecting a fund, i.e. unrestricted, tuition assistance, maintenance, teacher appreciation, etc.
Please contact our office at 501-329-1818 if you have any questions.
Contribute Today!