Founded on August 24, 1976 by Dick Bausom, Bob Nabholz, Benton Sevier, Judy Strause & David Thessing, the St. Joseph School Endowment and Charitable Trust is a private, secular, nonprofit fund established to provide financial aid and support to the St. Joseph Schools in Conway, Arkansas. All contributions to the Endowment are placed to work in a variety of investments where the principal remains intact and only the interest income is utilized thus resulting in a permanent, reliable source of funding for the school.
At St. Joseph Schools, tuition only covers a portion of the educational costs; therefore, the annual income from the Endowment provides a supplement to all areas of the school’s operating budget including teachers’ salaries, financial aid and equipment purchases. Most importantly, it helps the school fulfill its objective of keeping tuition affordable so that all children will have the opportunity for a Catholic education.
The Endowment is a 501 (c) (3) organization incorporated under the laws of the State of Arkansas as a nonprofit trust and is led by a Board of Trustees composed of up to 15 voting members and several ex-officio members. Trustees are elected by the Board of Trustees to three-year terms and may serve three consecutive terms. These term limits were implemented in 2008.
Gifts to the Endowment may be made in several ways including cash, checks, monthly bank drafts, and credit cards (Visa / MC). Checks should be made payable to the St. Joseph School Endowment. All gifts are tax deductible. The Endowment also gratefully accepts gifts of appreciated property and beneficiary designation in wills, life insurance policies, retirement plans and charitable trusts. Gifts can be made in honor/memory of a loved one and can be earmarked for unrestricted endowment or one of our several designated funds.
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